Varicocele Embolization

 Varicocele Embolization 

Varicocele Embolization

Varicocele Embolization 

america seal is basically varicose vein command scrotum


now there's reason men get this is very similar to the recent people get lower


extremity varicose veins


there's eight programs out of the thing that's supposed to be trained scrotum


that means comical delving because the played developed andrea logically that


rises up the left revolving which is a very tough in the abdomen and so what


happens when a man stands out


the blood or is the wrong direction down the gun albanian instills feeds from an


embankment scrotum with work

Varicocele Embolization 


and overtime at normal flow will cause the banks to get larger and larger and


larger so he has a very close based in chicago


now some of these are small they don't cause any problems that they can keep


slightly because pain Varicocele Embolization 


get paid her when you're young


could have testicular atrophy these protests chief of staff normally


and in some cases it may contribute to infertility


because the varicose veins and warm up


the normally were scrotum


and will decreased firm counter possibly reduces spermatozoa it's one of these

Varicocele Embolization

Varicocele Embolization 

victories itself


traditionally in the united states


varaku seals are treated by urologist urologic surgeons make an incision in


the growing in the equipment and they are not going to stop the as well


now that's not a bad treatment this really effective but it is done under


anesthesia in a hospital setting


isn't doing basic treatment which we do colpal nettles main embolization


and embolization is basically catheter based technical plug up abnormal vessels


arteries are better


and in this particular situation what we do this we under local anesthesia


possibly was some mild sedation we get into the venus side of the bloodstream


unity the family and the growing or through the jugular vein in the nectar


of middle tiny incision and then we treasure captors through the revolving


payment down to go down all day and week close off the base there's a number of


ways to close off the bank the current preferred technique that i i'd like to use is that we


deploy irreplaceable quarrelsome quote was a wider has little fibers on it and


as it comes out through the catheter farms around quite a lot of peekskill


and after you put one or two of those then


within walking jected sclerosis chemical much like you would use for square there


be a plague rickles things but we put it into the metal band


and that feels the pain while but in addition it goes to a little tiny Varicocele Embolization 


secondary branches those branches are actually work on some of the current system


with surgical vacation so this is the second technique that is in the courts


to help make sure we can all be abnormal brains

Varicocele Embolization

Varicocele Embolization 

isn't going to happen


and at the end the bottom line is that when a patient stands up there has been


disclosed in the longer fills the varicose veins in the scrotum facility compressors

the unsightly veins the pain from the varapa cities

goes away and a lot of cases the sperm count of the motility improved

"Varicocele Embolization"

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