Managing Food Allergies - Allergy & Asthma Associates

 hi my name is doctor be long here today to share with you a couple min tips for
 managing with Hardy's 

number one it's important to get
 accurate diagnosis you wanna see a board-certified allergist
 and understand exactly what you should

 and you don't necessarily need to avoid
 you should be asking questions such as if I am outgoing pena's
 join also need chill Poinciana numbers you
 have it emerges he adhesion on hand
 is usually comes in the form a auto-injector
 all and I friend's advice I usually recommend carrying she with you at all
 because it now 10 percent patients need a second dose

number three have a food allergy
 action that's right now should be given to you by your
 allergist he should go over it with your our chest
 as it's a written plan it that will see exactly what foods should be avoiding
 and also what sentence to look out for in the event
 a possible accidental ingestion subsequent allergic reaction

number four haven't met or our bracelets
 this warhol bystanders doctors
 identify what could be triggering a possible reaction
 entry hardly and number five it's important issue
 think how you're gonna the dirty the light in a practical manner
 I bernie have your read food labels
 understand in the US lately

 Consumer Protection Act understanding what
 advisory loans in also thinking about the different studies
 you or your child with food allergies may be in such a squall
 p.m. restaurants going on vacation
 these are blossom things I think at all
 your were certified largest can certainly York hope you throughout this
 entire process

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