talk to you about asthma in some treatments

  many miss a minute like to talk to you about asthma in some treatments
  meet this videos clean as possible 

so I don't for use on just different
 asthma is a disease of the lungs some people can't read
 in the ass missed free throw line other people like myself it's a daily struggle
 gets tiring it's awful states away struggle some people
 just have it for life so amenities include tips.

 the end go over some medications I hands et cetera
 so some quick tips on but I do to help me as my is
 a do you mean we say for 30 minutes every day

 well go for a 30-minute walk every day wanna get at least 30 minutes
 %uh light cardio into your day when your husband because you money
 day in lines extending a little bit because feeling down all day

 here lines are moving so when you decide to get you can have a really hard time
 so if possible get at least 30 minutes and a
 nothing heavy just some like walking now

 I had asthma since I was 13 years old they started me off
 with on up the euro which is a rescue in healing
 and by as much hours so they put me on

 slogan I then slow then for I am
a real it for years many years in a head no problem with it.

I and many others control very well it
then just this past month I had such a hard time breathing
 on the best way I can describe it is that the only way I can get
 phone present Aaron sorry from selling something now

 because it's started him to arms on
 is when the best way to describe it as a hefty ninety-day
 are fulbright & Aaron CERN yawning

 any just tire change here breen so they prescribe me something car dealer
 so before we get into this one ankle hurts I Section 8 reviews and healers
 so that way we can so on

 and if you have any questions about any of these inhuman is there anything I'm
 mentioning sees me the comment is a everything I have been using for a while
 the %uh the Rose the rescue inhaler the only side effect again
 is a little bit jittery me a little bit nervous

 nothing day no home no problems with that
 past with the flooding had serious side effects nothing but good news for the
 for them to me

 and I've been taking the dealer
 ask for I think this is my third anal hearing
 it's helping educationally

 and ourselves again struggling but I can actually get a full breath is Aaron
 which is really nice noone iight
 this before I read about a if you read about it first you probably read about
 all the scary side effects
 about it arm is on the staff

 just you know I recommends
 actually a check out the website don't ski is somebody taking
 cell on there's a line and I

 taking dealer is other than more strict than taking another hit
 because the rules about you know shaking it
 how long you hold today with an ear nose

 and I'll you have to wait 30 seconds to a minute
 before reading the next part in any of the rinse your mouth and Carl

 So the only side effect I had so far was
 of course through I'll but you drink
 check a lot a lot and maybe Lake you know that time it goes away
 because on tour after looking at our

 from making a retail that
 say after a while I can only tell that my face is getting day
 on and anything and I think this may.

 I don't just do the healer infected and drinking a lot a lot a
 have to it humor and I i love that Tola
 but just when you taking this %um regional IRS
 expect to beyond about their

 so I'll with Elaine healers
 a use spacer this is my new one I got this on Amazon for eleven dollars
 or you can get them from the doctor that problem looks like this

 the reasoning or use a species because you like the
 in healer whatever's in healing arts go inside loans
 in not just stick to the back you throw not so easy spacing
 another thing that i i was just

 prescribe teams was a peak flow meter you green
 in out really quick

 and it moves to a number in when you get this
 has pamphlet that has your numbers not for your age in
 UK Ind this honestly I've been using this for GE's
 in hasn't been working for me because I really feel difference in my lungs but
 it's not showing in the numbers

 but I could be wrong I'll a Shiite
 probably cannot tell use it more than
 I've been missing it so I am

 that's it if you have any questions
 I'll the three in humans that I've used in the past
 like I do carry this risking hilly with me everywhere
 a few heavy asthma under control with another inhuman

 you have to keep this in your purse or your pocket
 everywhere you go home don't underestimate asthma it's very serious
 saying it's a this is a constant struggle

 it really is %um so if you have any questions about anything he wears
 a sin tax if you're worried please ask me

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