one done
spring and summer me allergy problems for a lot of us but today we're talking
specifically about children and allergies.
with me is our expert today doctor James sublet
who is with the family Allergy and Asthma Center but also the chief
allergies because their children's hospital.
is this the worst time of the year for children when it comes to allergies
actually spring is a bad time of the year but two-thirds the kids have
year-round problems with allergy.
and do kids here suffer the same kind of problems
Saints kinda allergies well actually there's really two types of things you
have the outdoor.
allergens like pollen and mold and then indoors or things like dust mites so
animal allergens and pass like cockroaches.
even mice can cause allergy prone of ok a windchill child be tested how early
can I shall be tested for allergies.
was there at the chart of can be attested even in an open sea
are journalists around a eight to ten months for we actually do any testing.
but most kids are maybe two years of age but is no magic number they can be
tested virtually any town are having problems or not they need to be
and what treatment options do you have for even the littlest children
well we have a caller three-legged stool one once you identify what they're
allergic to.
the week in new targeted avoids are actually been study showing that
avoiding things you're allergic to.
in very specific measures can be as impactful as
anything else we do secondly because we have a good medications
and love the new medicines have been developed in the last ten to fifteen
years so.
can really help manage the medicines only
work while they're being taken the third for
for kids that have moderate to severe allergy would be allergy shots or will
be calling me know therapy.
and they've been shown in recent studies be very cost-effective saving up to two
thousand dollars over an 18-month period.
and they're very effective for kids that have an allergy or asthma
which is triggered by allergies about eighty percent the time now tell me
about your involvement with culture Children's Hospital.
obviously you want to keep kids at a hospital but sometimes you have serious
asthma cases which could hospitalized children.
exactly our goal with kids especially asthmatics
ice keep 'em out the hospital Kosair really has a great programs for kids one
sir made it to the hospital which is really still were.
one more common reasons the kids get admitted to the hospital
and once they're in the hospital they have teams that work with the families and
about to educate the families in our goal is to keep my mouth a hospital
where they're not coming back in for readmissions.
alright keep them safe just got the fax now so the parents are armed with
mask right all right thank you don't like it and if you've got more questions
allergies or what can be done about treating allergies
you can call 6 to 9 6,000 at Kosair Children's Hospital
are going to Kosair Children's .
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