Gonadal Vein Embolization

     Gonadal Vein Embolization   

 Gonadal Vein Embolization
 Gonadal Vein Embolization

 is a minimally invasive treatment which we do call to Nadal vamos a ship

and embolization is basically catheter-based take me

we plug up abnormal vessels arteries or veins

and in this particular situation what we do is clean

under local anesthesia possibly with some mild sedation


we get into the penis cited the bloodstream units to the family and the

grind for to the jugular vein in the next 30 little tiny incision

and then with radar cather's through the renal vein

and down a goal Nadal's pain and then we close of the bed

is a number ways to close of the band be current

preferred technique that I I like uses that we

deploy your place quarles ok well as a wire

as little fibers on it and as it comes out through the catheter

forms around well thick stale and

after people wonder to those in with him injected sclerosis chemical much like

you with his first Claret their feet like varicose veins

we put it into the Nadal vamos and that kills the pain while but in addition it

goes through a little tiny

secondary branches those branches are actually work %uh some other occurrences

with surgical like Asian so this is a second

technique that is in the coils to help make sure killing all the abnormal veins

 Gonadal Vein Embolization
 Gonadal Vein Embolization

in me an elevated and at the end

the bottom line is that when a patient stanza that thing is closed

no longer fear fills the varicose veins described City

decompressed so that the unsightly veins the pain from the para Casa teased

goes away and in a lot of cases sperm count and motility me improve

 "Gonadal Vein Embolization"

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